Thursday, May 26, 2011

Today's gift....

Came back from my walk just a bit ago and this daylilly had appeared. Years ago I had a beautiful daylilly collection. I transplanted a few in this spot years ago. They all have disappeared from neglect during alot of hot summers. What a gift. Out if the dry earth to a new birth. Guess that's my theme for the day. Here's to an awesome day!

-Today is ashleys last day of school. I'm so proud of her. After a tough year with math she got commended on her math taks. God is good. Tomorrow Haley is graduating from highschool. Can't believe it. Can't wait to spend the weekend being proud of one of my favorite girls !

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1 comment:

Knitrageous said...

I love daylilies! They remind me of my grandmother. Her backyard was full of daylilies and iris, all colors. She taught us to pollinate the daylilies in hope of creating a beautiful new flower. What a gift indeed!